Load Testing Tools Comparison - Apache JMeter vs. Loadrunner

June 21, 2021

Load Testing Tools Comparison - Apache JMeter vs. Loadrunner


When it comes to load testing tools, there are numerous options available in the market. Apache JMeter and Loadrunner are two commonly used tools for performance testing. Apache JMeter is an open-source tool while Loadrunner is a licensed software. This blog post aims to compare these two tools based on their features and capabilities, to help you make the right choice for your project.

Apache JMeter

Apache JMeter is a popular open-source tool that supports load testing, functional testing, and regression testing. This tool can simulate heavy loads on web applications, databases, and other services. JMeter provides a user-friendly interface to test protocols, servelets, and PHP websites. It is widely used for web application performance testing.

Key Features of Apache JMeter

  • Cross-platform support
  • User-friendly GUI
  • High-level of customization
  • Numerous plugins available
  • Distributed load testing
  • Supports various protocols
  • Free and open-source


  • Free and open-source
  • Customizable and extensible
  • Supports distributed load testing
  • Supports various protocols
  • Widespread community support
  • Scalable and lightweight


  • Steep learning curve
  • GUI can crash during large load tests
  • Limited technical support


Loadrunner is a licensed software developed by Micro Focus. It is a feature-packed tool designed to help you identify and resolve performance issues. Loadrunner simulates thousands of users, so it is ideal for testing complex systems. It supports web, mobile, and cloud-based applications, as well as protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and more.

Key Features of Loadrunner

  • Supports web, mobile, and cloud-based applications
  • Supports a wide range of protocols
  • Scalable and feature-packed
  • Provides real-time monitoring
  • Supports different environments
  • Customizable and extendable
  • Offers technical support


  • Provides a wide range of features
  • Scalable and customizable
  • Provides real-time monitoring
  • Offers technical support
  • Can handle complex systems


  • Licensed software
  • Expensive for small teams
  • Requires a high learning curve
  • Potentially heavyweight



One of the most significant differences between the two tools is their pricing structure. Apache JMeter is free and open-source, making it an attractive option for small businesses or individuals. Loadrunner, on the other hand, is a licensed software that is available for purchase.

Learning Curve

Both Apache JMeter and Loadrunner offer an extensive range of features, but they also have a steep learning curve. However, Apache JMeter is less complicated and has a more user-friendly interface than Loadrunner.

Protocols Support

Both tools support a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and JDBC. However, Loadrunner supports a more extensive range of protocols than Apache JMeter.

Technical Support

Loadrunner provides technical support, while Apache JMeter relies on community support for troubleshooting issues.

Feature Comparison

Loadrunner offers a more extensive range of features than Apache JMeter. Loadrunner allows real-time monitoring and supports load tests in different environments. Furthermore, Loadrunner provides support for testing mobile, cloud-based, and web applications. Apache JMeter also offers great features, including distributed load testing, a user-friendly GUI, and cross-platform support.


In conclusion, both Apache JMeter and Loadrunner have their advantages and disadvantages. Apache JMeter is free and open-source, making it ideal for small businesses or individuals. It supports distributed load testing and various protocols. However, it has a steep learning curve and limited technical support. Loadrunner is a licensed software that offers a broader range of features, including real-time monitoring, multi-tier applications, and technical support. However, Loadrunner can be expensive and requires a higher-level of expertise.

The tool you select depends on your project's requirements, budget, and technical expertise. If you're looking for a free, easy-to-use tool that can handle web applications, Apache JMeter is a great choice. On the other hand, if you require advanced features and technical support, Loadrunner is worth considering.


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